
Generating Queer Possibility in Claire Denis' Beau Travail

Generating Queer Possibility in Claire Denis’ Beau Travail Beau Travail by Claire Denis is a elliptical, choreographic exposition of male military bodies in crisis. The militaristic order of the group crumbles when the leader, Galoup, begins to weaken his control because of his obsession with a young, handsome Legionnaire. The film is based on Billy Budd , Herman Melville’s story of the handsome sailor and his doomed innocence. Querelle , by Rainer Werner Fassbinder and based on the boock Querelle de Brest by Jean Genet, also draws inspiration from Billy Budd . While Beau Travail reveals the more tense and homoerotic relationships between the men that are festering under the surface, Querelle is completely frank in its eroticism and violence, existing as a space of uninhibited and vapid desires. These utopias of all-male, fraternal worlds have roots in the Western and Christian constructions of the patriarchal horde and the fear of, and desire to negate, the woman and the domest

Essay:Studies in Queer Becoming//Objectivity and Subjectivity in Chantal Akerman's Je Tu Il Elle

Objective and Subjective Orientation in Chantal Akerman’s Je Tu Il Elle Chantal Akerman plays Julie, the main character, in her first feature-length film, Je Tu Il Elle , which translates to I...You...He...She in English. The film is divided into three movements. The first shows Julie in self-inflicted isolation in her room. She rearranges her furniture, eats spoonfuls of sugar repetitively, dresses and undresses, writes and rewrites a letter to someone she refers to as “you”, and lays down lethargically, narrating her actions before they occur or sometimes without subsequently performing them. She remarks that it has been almost a month, and when the snow melts and she sees someone outside, she departs. She hitches a ride with a truck driver, initiating the second movement of the film. Inside the car, the truck driver puts her hand on his penis and instructs her to masturbate him. He drives Julie to her destination, marking the third movement of the film. Julie arrives at th